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Tribute to Women: The Wonderful Opening of the Hiray Pharma Basketball Game


Company News

Challenge gravity and unleash the charm of basketball. In order to celebrate the 113th International Women's Day in celebration of the National "Two Sessions", on March 8th, Hiray Pharma's "Welcoming the Two Sessions and Celebrating the March 8th" basketball warm-up event was held at the company's new basketball court. Before the game, all the team members extended holiday greetings and heartfelt wishes to all the female employees struggling in the front line of Hiray. In this competition, the participants caught up with each other and freely shed their sweat. The passion and level of the competition were demonstrated. The sharp attack, skillful passing, magnificent turning, wonderful shooting, and perfect cooperation fully demonstrated the demeanor of Hanrui employees, enhanced their collective sense of honor, and strengthened the cohesion and centripetal force of the company. Engaging in a healthy industry in a healthy manner has always been the company's original intention and philosophy. This basketball warm-up competition has promoted the physical and mental health of employees, provided a stage for basketball enthusiasts to showcase their youth, and played a very good role in enriching and cultivating corporate culture.